1、Col. Quaritch: You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen!
2、I just want you for my own.
3、Parker: Yeah.
4、但仅凭方才的一瞥,某种难以忍受的阴郁便浸透了我的内心 我望着宅邸周围稀疏的景物 围墙荒芜,衰败的树遍体透着白色 我的灵魂失语了 我的心在冷却 下沉
5、Let`s go the shit kiched out of us by love.
7、Jake Sully: He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone.
8、Seems to me that love is everywhere.
10、Jake Sully: Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream.
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